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Mean-field theory on mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(a)B(b)C(c))(y)D

Physics Letters A

The magnetic properties of the mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(a)B(b)C(c))(y)D, in which A, B, C and D are four different magnetic ions and form four different sublattices, are studied by using the Ising model. And the Ising model was dealt with standard mean-field approximation. The regions of concentration in which two compensation points or one compensation point exit are given in c-a, b-c and a-b planes. The phase diagrams of the transition temperature T-c and compensation temperature T-comp are obtained. The temperature dependences of the magnetization are also investigated. Some of the result can be used to explain the experimental work of the molecule-based ferro-ferrimagnet ((NiaMnbFecII)-Mn-II-Fe-II)(1.5) [Cr-III (CN)6] - zH(2)O. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: mixed ferro-ferrimagnet;Ising model;four sublattices;phase diagram;transition temperature;compensation temperature;magnetic-properties;prussian blue;alloy



